I pulled into the parking lot.
Turned off the car and decided to only bring my wallet with me into the store.
No cell phone, no big bag weighing my shoulder down.
I was feeling very buoyant, having just left a very fun book reading party with some fabulous women.
When I got to the check out there was someone ahead of me buying a case of wine, all assorted, so each bottle had to be pulled out and scanned (yes, I was at the liquor store getting a bottle of wine)
Instead of standing there watching the whole long process and counting how many more bottles there were to go…I decided to tidy up my wallet, putting all my change back in the correct place; that sort of thing.
My turn next. She scanned my wine, bagged it and I was off.
Walking to the car, hearing the click, click of my dress boots on the pavement, I noticed that the air had gotten cooler than before and I was cold because my coat was tucked away in the back seat of my car.
My feet hurt, I was cold but that big old pocketbook was not weighing down my shoulder, I had that to be thankful for.
When I arrived at the car, I just stood there and wondered….just….where…the …heck….where….my….keys?
No pockets, no pocketbook, no coat…no anything.
Just me on the outside of the car wanting everything I could see on the inside of the car!
After a bit, I leaned in one more time, holding my wallet in one hand and the wine in the other and viola!! the car lights went on and that familiar click of the door opening was like music to my ears.
I was not surprised that the car opened. I was expecting it to open. I was giddy with delight that the car door opened and that I was now sitting on the inside looking out. I started dancing and singing and screaming and thanking the gods for opening my car.
The last three lines I read at the book reading party were:
I was expecting a miracle and here it was.
After a few minutes of bouncing around my car it slowly dawned on me;
I had no idea where my car keys were.
This was CRAZY.
I could not stop laughing.
And neither could the man from the liquor store.
He had followed me out at a big distance.
Clicked my car open
and then watched the crazy woman dance and scream for a bit before he handed over the key. (which I left on the counter when I cleaned out my wallet)
He was so happy with himself, grinning ear to ear as he stood outside my window dangling the key in his hand.
But here is the thing.
He made my day.
Since I published the book I have not written anything.
Writers block? Too busy? Need a break? I don’t know and it doesn’t matter.
All I know is that when he handed me that key, he handed me this story to be written.
So here I am. I’m back.
It feels so good to be back.
I have missed you all so much.
You never know where your next laugh is going to come from.
Keep alert.
Be ready.
And then let it rip.
Joy is everywhere when you are looking for it.