It’s Time



I grew up with a mantel clock that tick tock-ed every minute of every day and then struck the appropriate number of gongs on every hour.

I never liked the clock.

I’m a silence kind of gal and the tick tock-ing drove me crazy.

Later, when my mom moved away from our family home she took the clock with her and set it up in the guest room/den which is where I slept when I visited.

She knew to stop the clock from ticking when I got there and then wind it back up when I left.
Somehow the clock has landed in the back of my car.

When we moved my mom to the Special Care Wing in September we had to clean out her apartment.

By that time, she had long since stopped winding up the clock or even cared that she had the clock.

So the clock went into the back of the car…and was soon forgotten,

until this morning.

I went over a big bump and the clock started chiming and ringing…

And I heard myself say:

“It’s time for me to get that clock out of the back of the car!”
A flood gate of thoughts about time then opened up in my mind.

What else is it time for?

I know it’s time for me to actually start drinking healthy green drinks instead of saying, “I want to drink a healthy green drink” everyday and then not do it. Or else it’s time for me to stop saying that this is what I want to do and then not do anything about it.
Big or small, it doesn’t matter.

I know

that you know

that it’s time

for something.
The minutes are ticking and the hours are gonging.
What is it time for in your life?
Time for joy, compassion, freedom, health, patience, honesty?

Time to clean out something, dig into something?

Time to get to know the person who resides inside you or beside you?

Time to forgive? Forget? Remember? Move on? Move In?

Time to live lightly, live loudly?
Well my friend,

What will it be?

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