Get the Funk Out


One of my favorite things is seeing something that triggers my imagination and inspires me enough to want to write about it.

Now mind you, I haven’t even decided if I can write very well yet.

 Many of you have let me know that you enjoy reading my musings and to you I seem to have a voice.
But I’m still testing it out, wading around the edges, not fully on board with the notion that I can actually write.
This is what I do know: when I think I can’t write, I can’t.
When I just sit down at my computer, set out to have some fun and roam around in my mind to see what is going on, words simply fall out easily on the paper (or in this case the keyboard)
Well, you might be wondering what all of this has to do with Get the Funk Out.
Be patient. I’m getting to that.
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t think that their mind is way too busy.
They feel like they’ve got a washing machine full of thoughts up there just spinning and spinning around.
The problem, as I see it,  isn’t that we have thoughts; the problem is that we believe all the thoughts we think without even questioning them.
We don’t decide if these are thoughts that we even want to be thinking in the first place.
We don’t think we can decide or choose what we think. We think it is all happening to us.
Here is what I have learned.
We can decide.
We do get to choose.
We can make conscious choices about what we think. We can. It’s true.
What I am doing right now, writing, I actually love to do it.
If I keep thinking the thought that I can’t write, I will stop doing it.
I don’t want to stop writing, I want to stop thinking that thought.
So, here we are, back to Get the Funk Out.
When I first saw this store front in San Francisco I had a wild fantasy.
I imagined people entering to have all their funk removed from their minds, you know things like:
I can’t write (since I am writing this, mine gets to be first)

I’m too fat

I’m lazy

Everything is too hard for me

I’m too old

I need to change

My body is not right, I need a different body

I’m never going to be able to do it

Everyone is better than me

I’m a loser

I’m not smart enough

I’m living the wrong life

I’m sure you could add some more funks to this list, we’ve all got a pretty long funk line going inside of our minds.
So anyway, you walk in and It would be like a beauty salon or barber shop.
You sit down and they would kindly ask you, “Good morning ma’am (or sir) what particular funk would you like removed today?”
“Oh please, would you be so kind to remove the “I can’t write” funk?
“Absolutely.  Just tilt your head back, close your eyes, take a deep breath and let me do all the work. You just relax.”
This fantasy is truer than we think in the sense that we all want someone else to do our de-funk work for us.
But they can’t in reality. Only each of us can become aware of our own funk, then make a conscious choice whether we are going to believe it or not and give it attention or not.
Doesn’t sound as much fun as my fantasy I bet.
So stay and play with me here.
Close your eyes, enter the store and imagine what funk you would ask to have removed today.
And then go about your day as though it really did happen, as though Mr. Funk man took it right out of your head.
You were officially de- funked.
Hey, we make it all up anyway, why not make this up too?
And since this is my fantasy and I invited you all to join me at the funk palace, I would love to know;
What did you ask to get washed right out of your head today?
Try it. I’m not only a writer now, but also a poet!
“Getting De Funk out
makes me want to shout;
Having fun in life

is what it’s all about!”

 ****I would like to dedicate this writing to all my girls out in San Francisco; Emma, Shannon, Bonika and Molly. Every day when you leave your apartment and look across the street at that crazy GET THE FUNK OUT store front may you think of this writing, smile internally, breathe deeply and drop some funk right on the spot!****

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